I thought,
you would go away
like an occasional pain…
not leaving
even a feeling of loss
or of gain,
but beyond my expectations
you remain.
You remain; and
intensely you remain.
I thought,
you would fly away
like an unseasonal cloud
or an unexpected heavy rain
you remain,
stronger than ever; you remain.
With each passing day
I assume,
may be, the next day
you would move out
but like a life carrying vein,
deep inside my heart
you remain.
Contrary to my thoughts
with each passing day
more strongly you reign
Time changes; seasons change
but yet you remain.
Days pass and nights are spent
flowers blossom and whither,
and with each escaping moment
you put me into a stronger chain;
unbreakable like your love,
And like a heartbeat,
safely in my heart…
You remain!!